Saturday, May 15, 2010

Drawing Trees, Escaping Death and Dodging Coyotes

Another tough day at work.  I slipped out to draw a tree for today's challenge, and ended up drawing the entire scene. This is where I work; my office is a trailer that sits about  8' past the right border of this view.  That's my car.  Yogi is running around the hillside behind me, but never very far.

I saw a big ol' coyote here the other day.  He was right about where I'm sitting now.  Every time Yogi barks with any urgency I turn my head expecting to see him on the hill behind me.  But no.

This is the cross view of the lake.  I'll do the North view at some point.  It goes forever (well, about 70 miles) up past Kelowna, Vernon.  It's so stunning.  In fact, the beauty of this view almost killed me today.  I was driving home from here on a little ribbon of a road above the main road, and a guy came over the hill, fast, completely on my side! I had steep bank to my right and nowhere to go on the left.  I wailed on the horn and he snapped his head back from the view to the road, swerved back onto his side and carried on.  Happy to be alive yet again.


Unknown said...

Omg great tale, so pleased he missed you, and fab result for the challenge.

Sketchalina said...

Thanks Sue!